Rigs in North America


Rig counts in North America consist of those in the United States (including Alaska) and Canada. Fortunately for the United States, there are at least ten major shale gas and oil basins that are rich in energy and natural resources.

Three of those major areas are located in the state of Texas, including the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford Shale, and Barnett Shale. All of which uphold Texas as the nation’s top producing energy state. Rig production remains steady in North America as the United States alone produces over 635 million barrels of crude oil and over 10 trillion cubic feet of shale gas. (, 2016)

MSI Pipe Protection Technologies is headquartered in the US and operates in Canada with very large distribution centers to meet the needs of our clients. Our headquarters is located in Houston, Texas; and in Canada, we’re located in the city of Leduc in the Alberta Province near Edmonton.

Current Oil Rig Counts Around the World

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