When You Need Economical and Environmental Protection
Depending on your exact needs, your requirements for thread protection can be simple and basic. Your primary objective is to protect the threads from the environmental elements and provide simple coverage during storage. We understand that, and that’s why we have created the Tector® thread protection sleeve with you in mind.
Keeping your pipe threads environmentally protected is of utmost importance to us here at MSI. We also know that you value low prices and high quality. Our full line of Tector thread protector caps delivers both. Available in several design options, we have perfected our technique over the years to ensure that we give you great environmental thread protection in an easy-to-use, lightweight option that gets the job done.
Whether your need is for in-storage protection from basic elements or to have your pipe covered while being transported within your yard, we know that you will find our Tector to be a perfect fit. The Tector product line comes in a variety of standard API sizes and thread connections for your convenience.
Tector Features and Benefits
- Provides protection from environmental elements
- Ideal for short-term storage
- Light duty plastic thread protectors
- Available in open and closed-end designs
- Available in recessed and non-recessed closed end designs
- Available for most API Applications
- 100% recyclable
Tector Applications
- Tubing: 3/4″ through 4-1/2″ NUE and EUE
- Casing: 4-1/2″ through 13-3/8″; all API thread types