5 Most Important Things to Know About Pipe Chocks


Pipes are inherently dangerous and difficult to handle, ship, and store. They are heavy and fully capable of causing severe injury or death, so pipe chocks are a must.

5 Reasons to Protect Investments with Pipe Chocks

Pipe and other oil country tubular goods are also expensive and need protection. Purchasing pipe chocks from an ISO-certified vendor ensures they were produced in strict accordance with rigorous quality standards. There are five important things to know about pipe chocks.


Load shifting has caused some of the most serious trucking accidents. Improperly loaded trucks have been known to roll over, spilling their cargo onto the highway. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to anticipate a multi-vehicle accident as a result. The use of pipe chocks during pipe transport is extremely important for truck stabilization. These small and inexpensive molded HDPE plastic or metal parts can be instrumental in preventing loss of life and serious injuries to employees and others.

Lawsuit Prevention

In today’s society, serious injuries and lawsuits are linked. If an opposing attorney could prove that pipe chocks were not used when called for, it could prove to have been a very expensive oversight. The legal expenses of even a victorious lawsuit would pay for many years’ worth of these handy items.

Pipe Protection

These essential protective devices are easy to apply, very reliable, and able to withstand the severe conditions common to an oilfield or found on an oil rig. Flawed or cracked pipe present serious issues. Chocking is particularly critical if pipe is slippery from oil residue.


Very large oil rigs typically present many difficult pipe storage challenges. Government regulations and regular inspections have been mandated to ensure the safety of both workers and the oil drilling operation. Un-chocked pipe and other tubular goods would be unstable and easily dislodged. This is a fundamental problem in any situation, but especially so on an oil rig.

Affordable and Easy to Use

Chocks are inexpensive and a vital component of a pipe protection system. They are designed to be used as wedges between each pipe layer “pyramid.” The chocks are easily and quickly nailed to secure them in place throughout the pipe load, which is essential for both storage and transport.

Pipe Chocks from MSI

At MSI Pipe Protection Technologies, we count it an honor to be recognized as one of the world’s leaders in pipe and thread protection. We are an ISO certified manufacturer of high-performance parts for the oil, gas, mining, and water industries. For more information on our products and services, call (281) 890-3535 today!

Don’t let corrosion, impact, or environmental damage ruin your pipes.

Trust MSI to deliver quality pipe protection all day, every day. Call or email us to find out more.

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