While accident prevention is always a good idea, avoiding injuries or downtime in today’s more constrained circumstances is critical to a successful operation. Accidents cost money, and most operators are now down to a handful of rigs. These costs mean that the losses suffered cannot be spread out among a forest of platforms but must be borne by a relatively minor production base. In many cases, taking a rig offline is no longer a 5% hit. Instead, it can be a 100% hit. Safety counts now more than ever, and safety starts with the small details.
Inexpensive but Vital
Pipe chocks are designed to be nailed down to wood to give your pipe a stable resting position. They are molded from durable resin with nail slots built into the design. Whether transporting pipe supplies or storing them, ensuring that your tubing stays secure at all times is one of the least expensive and easy ways to guard against a dire incident. Pipe chocks are very inexpensive; however, smashed-up roughnecks and tweaked pipes are costly. That is why properly securing your stock in the field or back in the yard is so important. It takes time and equipment away from money-making operations to straighten the mess back up again if they fall.
Given how affordable pipe chocks are, and how quickly you can place them, it makes good sense to use them frequently. Whatever time gets spent in setting them up is more than repaid by the ease and swiftness that pipes can be accessed once they are safely and conveniently racked in a way that offers sturdy storage and trouble-free deployment.
That’s what it’s all about these days–avoiding trouble and setting up your site effectively and efficiently with careful avoidance of unnecessary risks. This unnecessary risk is why the simplicity and practicality of using pipe chocks can help your site stay safe and continue running.