Custom Threads? We Have Custom Protection For Your Pipes


In the petroleum industry, operators use pipes to transport gas, oils, and other such products. It’s very important that the oil country tubular goods (OCTG), like drill pipes, remain in good condition. This is true, as even the seemingly slightest damage to any one of these items can cause devastating leaks. Pipe damage can also threaten life and property. The best way to ensure that your operations avoid devastating circumstances is to properly protect these pipes and other applications during storage and transit.

Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) Custom Threads

If you operate in the OCTG industry and need custom threads to fit and protect your custom pipes, then there are several options that you can utilize. Custom thread protection products are made from a myriad of different materials, including various grades of steel and plastics. They also are available in various sizes. As such, it helps that those persons purchasing OCTG threads cover certain bases. This will help ensure they have threads of the highest quality. Two of these bases include the quality of material and ease of use.

1. The quality of the material the threads are made from.

Threads made from premium materials- such as engineering-grade thermoplastics and polymer alloys, proprietary resins, and grade-A steel, are usually of the highest quality. As a rule, threads, and protectors for large OCTG applications should strictly meet API guidelines.

2. Ease of installation.

Quality threads should be relatively easy to install and use. The ease of installation is largely dependent on how well of a design the thread has. You also will want to ensure that you have durable, flexible pipe threads. If you purchased them from a high-end source, they should be strong enough to withstand the usage of protective applications. The last thing you want is to damage pipe threads after you’ve placed a protector on it. Using durable threads will, in turn, ensure that the applications will work when they get to their destination.

Get Tailored Protection for Custom Threads

When your operation requires custom threads, MSI Pipe Protection Technologies has you covered with bespoke pipe protection solutions. Our custom-fit protectors are engineered to match your unique specifications, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum protection. Don’t compromise on quality—protect your custom threads with MSI.

Don’t let corrosion, impact, or environmental damage ruin your pipes.

Trust MSI to deliver quality pipe protection all day, every day. Call or email us to find out more.

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