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Lifting Bails: Offering Enhanced Efficiency and Safety


Lifting bails are an excellent device to have on hand when you are working on any project where lifting heavy tools, pipe, subs, collars, bits, and stabilizers is necessary.  Lifting or moving heavy items is necessary in the oil industry, which is innately rough, so an investment in lifting bails is an investment in your business as they can help protect people and tools.

Lifting bails

Enjoy Efficient Handling of Items with Lifting Bails

Time is of the essence on any project site.  When handling large tools, items, or substances a lot of time can be wasted trying to safely maneuver large or heavy items into exactly the right place.  This is especially true when precision matters.  While you can spend a lot of time trying to move items around manually, incorporating lifting bails will make the process much safer and more efficient.

Lifting Bails Protect People and Tools

While greater efficiency is reason enough to incorporate the use of lifting bails on your worksites, another reason is asset protection.  While any new device is an investment, this is an investment that is worthwhile because they can work to protect every tool and every person on a worksite.

With the use of these devices, it will make picking up heavy or awkward items easier.  Where a tool may have had to be dropped or dragged in the past, now it can more gently be placed where it needs to be.  This will allow tools to remain in good working order for longer periods.

Your people will also be protected with the use of this device.  Because the bail is doing the work and you can move large or heavy items around with more precision, people won’t have to do as much manual labor and there is not as much of a risk of a tool or item being dropped, causing injury.

MSI Has the Lifting Bails You Need for Improved Work Site Efficiency and Safety

MSI is committed to offering only the highest quality lifting bails and as such, we ensure that your safety is always of top concern.  Because your safety is important to us, we will only offer you bails that have been load tested for safety and meet 3x the safe working load.  We provide material test certificates with each lifting bail at no additional charges to our customers.  Additionally, we maintain complete traceability by providing unique serial numbers stamped into each lifting bail.  Click here to access our catalog and contact us with any questions or concerns regarding lifting bails or our other pipe protection products.

MSI is your partner in pipe protection.

We offer customized solutions, fast delivery, and excellent customer service. Call or email us today and see the difference.

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