Protect Investments Using Pipe Thread Protection


During the transportation of steel pipes, the integrity of the threads is ensured and safeguarded by pipe thread protection. They are commonly used for transportation of pipes to the gas and oil fields to protect them. Generally, they can be in plastic, steel, or rubber. Before being installed in a well, oil field tubular joints are subjected to extreme conditions during transportation, storage, and handling.

Safeguard Investments with Pipe Thread Protection

To avoid losses, it is important to prevent and protect the pipe threads from such damage.

The ends of the pipes are usually threaded, and unlike the usual pipes, these pipes are premium threaded. Due to their nature of work, they have to constantly withstand accidental impact during transportation and at the work site during cleaning and inspection. The environment can also be very corrosive to the premium threads. The reason these premium threads require pipe thread protection more than regular threads is that the connections depend on precision-engineered threads. These threads and seals are applied utilizing machines within narrow tolerances.

These threads are not only expensive, but also vulnerable. This means that, any distortion of the critical threaded area will result in seal malfunctioning and eventual string failure leading to high production losses. It is, therefore, critical to ensuring the protection of the tubing all the way and the only means to achieve this is by pipe thread protection.

Composite thread protectors are used for protecting the steel tubing ends against dust, UV rays and corrosive agents from the environment. They are primarily made of either a threaded low-density or a high-density polyethylene bumper that absorbs sudden impacts. They have a shell made of steel rolled over the front edge that protects against any hazard. Accurate threads ensure that the protectors do not prematurely release due to vibrations during transport. They are available in either open or closed-end versions or lift-able or non-liftable versions. Lift-able protectors will allow the tubes to be moved using hooking devices while protecting both the coating and the tube thread.

Closed-end protectors may keep the inner and outer pressure at equal through an optional vent. The vent may additionally have a filter preventing intrusion of foreign materials. Also, the design of the the composite thread protectors which include, high-density polyethylene bumper and a steel shell, ensures its integrity within the standard temperature range stipulated by the API 5CT (-46°C – 66°C).

Composite thread protectors provide impact protection and stability, their recessed design allows for hooks to lift while keeping out dirt, snow, moisture and other contaminants. Protectors are prevented from backing off during handling using a positive lock on the thread flanks. They meet all requirements for vibration resistance, solvent resistance, and corrosion resistance.

In addition, the ingredient used in making composite thread protectors is chemically inert. This means it cannot corrode and cannot destroy the thread coating. The use of heavy gauge steel guarantees rugged impact resistance, leaving the pipe threads intact.

MSI’s Pipe Thread Protection

To be able to move pipes from one point to another, one will find out prevention is key. Using thread protection will cost less compared to what one may incur if a seal malfunctions due to faulty threads. To take advantage of all of the numerous benefits that pipe thread protection and other products can offer your organization, contact MSI today! 

Don’t let corrosion, impact, or environmental damage ruin your pipes.

Trust MSI to deliver quality pipe protection all day, every day. Call or email us to find out more.

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