One way oil and gas producers and drilling operators can help protect our environment is through recycling thread protectors. Since U.S. drillers alone spend over $8 billion/year on steel piping equipment, pipe protection remains essential for safe operations worldwide. Yet, many companies may not exactly know how to properly dispose of these vital pipe protection tools after usage. As a result, we still find pipe yards that house piles of used protectors. This, unfortunately, causes some operations to question what the proper course of action should be for handling them. Below, MSI Pipe Protection Technologies discusses the importance of recycling your used thread protector products.
The Risks of Purchasing Reusable Thread Protectors
Though not a preferred practice, various recycling companies will offer the option of selling reusable or reconditioned protectors. Many of these specialty companies practice the careful process of vigorously sorting through used thread protectors. They choose those that appear to be in very good to fair condition, clean them, and resell them after a reconditioning process. However, when end-users purchase these protectors, there is still a risk of application failure, or worse.
Operational Hazards
Though you can save a lot of upfront costs when purchasing reconditioned protectors, you still are not fully aware of the protector’s lifespan. Besides that, you cannot trace that information. It is also difficult for companies to know the wear and tear of their reusable protectors. This is why it makes reusing protectors a bit risky. Should this type of protector fail to perform optimally in protecting your equipment pipe thread, the entire operation could be in danger.
Environmental Hazards
This goes without saying…Any form of operational breakdown can wreak havoc on our natural environment. Should oil, natural gas, or hazardous chemicals spill out into our water resources, air, and/or soil, many communities will be at risk.
New Versus Reused
When operators use new thread protectors during each application, they have an assurance of the protective equipment’s lifespan from its first use. They also have a guarantee that the protector hasn’t been in use, or exposed to elements. This is why MSI encourages end-users to purchase new pipe protection products to ensure safe and efficient operations at all times.
Consider the Safest Alternative to Landfill Disposal
When companies choose to recycle thread protectors, this option will always provide the safest and most effective alternative for protecting our environment. Due to the threading compounds that manufacturers may use to design pipe protectors, some recycling efforts can be tricky. However, where there is a will to remain environmentally responsible, there is also a way.
Environmentally-conscious recyclers have learned how to properly recycle pipe protectors and dispose of large piles of waste materials from pipe yards. This also allows end-users to freely continue maintaining smooth operations. In an appropriate recycling process, specialized plastic recycling companies will collect the used plastics, clean them, and dispose of them.
An Environmentally-Friendly Process
In addition, recyclers will also sort protectors containing usable plastic and grind them into smaller pellets. They will then take the reusable pellets and cycle them back into the manufacturing process for other low-end industrial components. Most companies will ensure that end-users only utilize these components where mechanical performance isn’t critical. Overall, when you recycle durable plastics, it’s beneficial to waste reduction in landfills and is ultimately good for the environment.
Become A Part of the MSI Solution
MSI Pipe Protection Technologies’ main role in this process is to simply encourage operators and drilling sites to connect with reliable local recyclers. Our goal is to connect companies with a recycler who specializes in properly recycling thread protectors and other durable plastic products from oilfields.
How Your Investment Can Help Preserve the Environment
If operational cost is an issue when it comes to investing in protective products, MSI has a viable solution. When your company invests in new thread protectors, like the Tector™ or Tector™ PLUS, you save in the long run. Consider it as taking on an inexpensive insurance policy for your pipe threads. Unfortunately, when a company reuses protectors they could detract from the safety and performance of their pipe threads and strings. The new cost-effective protectors that MSI designs, however, will perform properly and protect pipe threads to maintain the overall integrity of your equipment.
If your company is considering recycling alternatives in your area, contact us at 1-877-276-9208. Call us if you are also interested in ordering high-end, reliable pipe thread protectors and other pipe protection products, or conveniently request a quote online. We’re here to help you deliver your protected pipe all day, on Earth Day, and every day.