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Challenges of Pipe Storage On Large Oil Rigs


The World’s Largest Oil Rigs & Pipe Storage

The Gulf of Mexico is a fertile oil field and home to some of the world’s largest rigs. These giants work in depths up to 3,000 feet and may drill more than two miles below the surface to find oil. The following are several of the world’s largest oil rigs, or platforms, that are located in the Gulf.

Petronius Platform is an oil rig belonging to Chevron, and it is situated just outside of New Orleans. At over 2,000 feet high, it is one of the world’s tallest structures, and it holds more than 100 million barrels of oil. Petronius works in water at a depth of 2,044 feet.

Baldpate Platform, designed by Hudson engineering, is another tall structure at nearly 2,000 feet in height. It is located off the Louisiana coast, and it produces both gas and oil. It has seven wells that produce 50,000 barrels of oil every day.

Perdido Platform, owned by Shell, lies about 200 miles off the coast of Texas at a water depth of 8,000 feet. It draws oil from 22 wells, and all of the oil travels through a network of piping that feed into a riser.

Atlantis Platform is a semi-submersible rig that not only extracts oil at a capacity of 200,000 barrels per day but transports it back to shore through a networked system of piping. The BP-owned platform is about 200 miles from New Orleans.

All of these rigs utilize miles of pipe and depend on having that pipe in excellent condition, as an oil leak could be disastrous. Pipe on oil rigs may be in use or in storage. Pipe stored for immediate use are stacked vertically in groups of two or more in the derrick, while pipe racks hold the pipe horizontally for long-term storage. All pipe is vulnerable to corrosion and fatigue due to the harsh conditions of salt water, pressure, and extreme weather. Therefore, pipe protection is key for preventing holes and cracks or damage to the joint threads.

Why Government Regulations and Inspections Are Essential

Government regulations have been put in place to ensure the safety of the workers and of the oil drilling operation itself. Regular inspections can help rig owners identify any weaknesses in their pipe storage system that could put workers at risk. If pipe and other tubular goods are not chocked, for example, they may lack stability and become dislodged, putting nearby workers in danger. Inspections can also identify flaws in the pipe, catching small cracks or abrasions before they become serious issues. Finally, inspections are a means of making sure that pipe storage systems are in compliance with government regulations.

What Makes MSI Pipe Protection Technologies an Industry Leader?

Recognized as an industry leader by the American Petroleum Institute in April of 2016, MSI is the top producer of tubular goods and pipe protection products. The company is known for developing innovative products and offering customized solutions for customers in the oil and gas industry. Moreover, MSI Pipe Protection Technologies ensures that their pipes and other tubular products are consistent with required safety standards and regulations for their storage and eventual use.

Don’t let corrosion, impact, or environmental damage ruin your pipes.

Trust MSI to deliver quality pipe protection all day, every day. Call or email us to find out more.

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