How a Slowed Global Supply Chain Impacts Pipe Protection Products

Global supply chain slows for thread protectors

Almost every industry has been affected by the recent slowing in the global supply chain, and pipe protection products are not exempt. While there are numerous sources for thread protectors, many companies are facing longer lead times and rising costs. 

So, what are the specific issues that manufacturers are facing? Here are a few you should know and how MSI can help:

A Lack of Resources

The main issue that most manufacturers are facing is a lack of resources. Due to the onset of the pandemic, production slowed along with demand. But as both are now ramping back up, there is a mass scramble to get orders in and complete them in a timely manner. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible to complete everyone’s orders at the same time. 

This is why MSI Pipe Protection Technologies is focused on being the manufacturers that deliver on their turnaround promises by storing and manufacturing all our products in-house.

Supply Chain Labor Shortages

When there’s a lack of demand for products, the demand for laborers also falls. This includes those on the manufacturing floor and in the corporate office! 

As drill pipe inspection companies bounce back, the hope is that people will return to the industry to help keep up with rising demand. With more demand comes more opportunities for employees and corporations alike.

Fortunately, MSI has not felt labor shortages quite like others. We value all our employees and take measures to improve their job satisfaction. And by handling our production in-house, we don’t have to rely on third-parties who are suffering from their own labor issues.

Machinery room with few workers showing labor shortage

Global Production Backup

When you put labor shortages and a lack of resources together, you get production issues. New hires are not as experienced and make more mistakes than previous employees. An overload of work is bound to create more mistakes, as well. 

This is why it’s so important for companies like MSI Pipe Protection Technologies to have safety stock and plans in place to deal with a sudden influx of work. With nearly 40 years in the industry, you can trust that our veteran team is ready for what you need.

When you need thread protection sleeves and more, reach out to MSI Pipe Protection Technologies. Even with the recent global supply chain struggles, we have the systems and team that will keep your OCTG pipes secure during travel. 

To learn more about pipe protection products, contact MSI today!

MSI has the perfect pipe protection products for your needs.

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