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digital display of OIL price at stock market

Oil Market Finishes the Quarter Up

All eyes have been on the oil industry amid COVID-19 and the pounding the industry has taken as a result of stay at home orders and decreased demand for oil. While rig counts are historically low and thousands who work in the industry are currently furloughed, somehow the oil market has closed out the quarter in good

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man inspects safety systems in an oil industry

Oil Industry Solutions That Are Improving Safety

The oil industry is inherently dangerous due to how oil is extracted from the earth, its transportation, and the refining and storage process. Luckily, over time as technology and insight has improved, the industry has been discovering solutions that can be implemented to improve safety in everyday operations. Pipe Protection Pipe failure can cause many

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pipe failure

Using Pipe Protection Now to Avoid Pipe Failure Later

In the oil industry pipe is an asset.  Without pipe in proper working order, projects can slow, stop, or be canceled altogether.  This can cost a company time, money, equipment, and skilled labor.  Unfortunately, pipe failure cannot always be avoided.  Yet, knowing the most common causes of pipe failure can help to prevent and avoid

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choosing a trusted pipe protection provider

How to Choose a Trusted Pipe Protection Provider

When you work in oil and gas, you know that pipe is important to the overall success of your business. A damaged pipe can slow or even stop a project in its tracks, costing time and money and even risking human life.  Pipe protection products have been implemented by forward-thinking businesses who want to protect

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oil refineries

Refineries Are Feeling the Squeeze Amid COVID-19

In the first quarter of 2020, we saw billions of people on lockdown or various forms of stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  As the world comes back online slowly, many industries continue to feel the pains of COVID-19.  Oil refineries are among those who are struggling despite reopening and increasing oil

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pipe handling system

How Proper Pipe Protection Positively Impacts Your Business

If you’re in the oil business you are aware of just how vital it is to have pipe in good working order at all times.  The need to have access to uncompromised pipe is why most businesses have implemented the use of pipe protection products when it’s being used, when it’s being transported, and even

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ship pushing barge loaded with drilling pipes

Rhino Tubular Handling Systems: Safety and Organization for Your Pipe

Pipe protection products are varied and should be implemented wherever possible to protect your assets.  One area of protection that should not be overlooked is a pipe handling system that will allow for safe solutions for lifting, transporting, and storing tubular pipe.  This type of protection compliments the use of thread protectors, stabbing guides, pipe

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oil rigs in an oil field at sunset

Oil Prices Are On the Rise As Social Distancing Requirements Ease

Those with interests in oil production are feeling a bit of relief for the first time in months.  After oil prices bottomed out and went into negative territory in April for the first time in history, many oil companies were fearing imminent bankruptcy. Now, with areas of the country re-opening, there is a slow rebound

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history made as oil prices go negative for the first time

Making History: Oil Prices Go Negative for the First Time Ever

The oil and gas market is notoriously volatile, but amid COVID-19 it is more volatile than ever before with oil prices going negative for the first time in history on April 20, 2020. While the price drop has some consumers rushing to fill their gas tanks affordably, oil producers and investors are reeling. Louis Dickson,

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sprawling area of oil storage tanks

Oil Storage: Are We Running Out of Space to Store Oil?

We are living in unprecedented times and the times have certainly had an impact on oil supply, demand, and production.  Airlines have limited flights and are not buying or using jet fuel like they were before COVID-19 changed the way we live.  Consumers are not filling up their gas tanks as often as about half

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